Incolink Accident and Illness Benefits Program - Victorian Members
As an Incolink Worker Member your employer pays contributions on your behalf. Depending on the contribution type, certain insurance cover may be available.
This tool provides an overview to Victorian Incolink members only. If you're Tassie based, you can find insurance information on our Tasmanian members page.
Step 1: Ask your employer which contribution apply for you (or check your industrial instrument).
Step 2: Toggle the contributions that applies to you and the applicable insurance coverage will show.
Cover if you get injured outside working hours
If you get injured and become totally or partially unable to work as a result, you may be eligible to receive weekly benefits.
Download the brochure below for weekly benefit amounts.
If your injury results in death or another condition that is payable under the policy, you may be eligible for a lump-sum payment. You can find the claim form here.
Cover if you get injured travelling to or from work
If you get injured while in direct travel to or from work, resulting in total or partial disablement, then you may be eligible for weekly benefits. Eligible payments commence from the first day you seek medical treatment.
Download the brochure below for weekly benefit amounts.
If you get injured while in direct travel to or from work, and the injury results in death or another condition that is payable under the policy, you may be eligible for a lump-sum payment. You can find the claim form here.
A bill payer benefit may be payable when you receive weekly benefits
If your employer is paying bill payer premiums, you may be eligible to be reimbursed bills issued to you while you’re off work, up to $250 per bill and a maximum of $5,000 for all bills during that period. You can claim for electricity, water, gas telephone (including mobile) and dependent children’s tuition fees only. You can find the claim form here.
Note: The bill payer benefit is only payable when you receive weekly benefits under the leisure time injury or journey or leisure time illness insurance covers.
May provide a benefit of up to $9,000, payable to your estate/beneficiary or funeral parlour. The claim must be submitted within 12 months from the date of death.
You can find the claim form here. Download our brochure for terms and conditions.
Accidental Dental
May provide cover to you and your dependants for accidental damage to sound and healthy teeth, occurring outside working hours. The maximum amount payable for any one accident is:
- Worker without dependants: Maximum $2,000 (2 claims per year).
- Worker with dependants: Maximum $2,250 (4 claims per year).
You can find the claim form here. Download our brochure for terms and conditions.
Emergency transport
May provide cover to you and your dependants for ambulance usage anywhere in Australia. The maximum amount payable is $12,000 for road transport and $15,000 for air travel.
You can find the claim form here. Download our brochure for terms and conditions.
Cover if you get sick and can’t work
If you suffer an illness outside working hours, you may be eligible to receive weekly benefits.
Download the brochure below for weekly benefit amounts.
If you get injured at work resulting in death or another condition payable under our policy, and it is covered by a statutory workers’ compensation scheme, you may be eligible for a lump-sum payment.
You can find the claim form here.
TAC Top-ups
If you get injured while travelling directly to or from work in a registered motor vehicle or while on a tram, bus or train, and you receive benefits from a transport accident scheme (TAC), we may be able to top up your benefits. You can find the claim form here.
WorkCover Top-ups
If you are in a workplace accident, during work hours, that gives rise to a successful WorkCover claim, we may be able to top up your WorkCover benefits. You can find the claim form here.
Leaving a job? We’ll save your sick leave for you.
When you leave a job, you usually leave your unused sick days behind. Our Portable Sick Leave insurance (PSLi) program has been set up to take over the sick days you would normally lose when you finish up with an employer.
If your employer is paying PSLi premium contributions on your behalf, you may be eligible for Portable sick leave or Carer's leave.
Download the brochure below for more information.
Call us on (03) 9639 3000 for details about how benefits are calculated. You can find the claim form here.