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Delivered early! 2,000 COVID-19 tests undertaken on Victorian construction sites

Posted on May 20, 2020

Incolink has completed its 2,000th COVID-19 test today providing greater confidence in the health of construction workers and the safety of construction sites.

“We have reached this milestone early and that is a great vote of confidence in our industry and the spirit of partnership all parties are working in. We couldn’t have got here if not for the support of the Victorian Government and our partners in industry who have co-funded this initiative with us,” said Erik Locke, CEO Incolink.

“We promised the State Government we could test 1,200 workers in a month and have undertaken 2,000 in just under a fortnight. This is a sign of what our industry can do together and we’re very proud to be playing our part in keeping workers safe and sites continuing to operate,” Mr Locke said.

“Construction is a significant generator of jobs and economic activity. Having undertaken 2,000 tests in Victoria we are now offering our services to the Tasmanian Government so we can help ensure Tasmanians can be confident that workers on site are healthy and safe,” Mr Locke said.

Incolink has partnered with the Australian Prostate Centre to deliver these tests and wishes to thank CEO Mark Harrison and his team of GPs and nurses who have delivered these tests across Melbourne and regional Victoria.

Sponsors of this testing has been Cbus Superannuation, CoINVEST and the ETU. Our partners in construction Master Builders’ Association of Victoria, CFMEU and the PPTEU have also been critical to the success of this initiative and provided logistical and promotional support.

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