Incolink | Incolink CEO Statement to members on COVID-19
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Incolink CEO Statement to members on COVID-19

Posted on Mar 21, 2020

I want to reassure you that Incolink is working to support you during these uncertain times.

Incolink is Australia largest worker’s entitlement fund, safeguarding your entitlements, providing vital insurances and investing wisely so we can deliver quality services.

We are your safety net in the construction industry. We have unions and employer trustees of the Fund and we are working closely with them as they also work to support you. Below you’ll see a joint statement from the CFMEU Vic/ Tas and MBAV which we have endorsed and support.

We are focused on continuing to support you but have had to make some changes to protect everyone’s health and comply with Government requirements. This is largely about social distancing - ensuring distance between people and not holding meetings in enclosed places.

We are working on a special COVID-19 payment. I will be in touch next week with details on eligibility and how you can access this payment if you meet strict criteria.

What is staying the same?

  • Our commitment to helping you over the phone, by email and in person. If there are changes to our services we will be back in touch and explain how you can contact us.
  • Many on-site activities will continue including toolboxes and critical incident response (using social distancing).
  • Our counselling services will also continue over the phone, by skype and in person (with additional screening to ensure people are well enough when they meet with our staff).
  • After hours phone counselling is also continuing on 1300 000 129.

What is changing?

  • We are suspending our Incolink Bus which provides health and skin checks on site.
  • We are suspending Bluehats general awareness sessions on site as well as Bluehats training at Pelham Street in Carlton.

While COVID-19 is causing changes across society we are keeping business as usual going as much as we can. As the Government is also reviewing the situation daily things might change. Our promise to you is to stay in touch and provide updates regularly.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us on 03 9639 3000 or visit us at Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn for latest updates.

If you want to speak to someone in your language you can call 1300 462 654

For general health advice on COVID- 19 you can call the Vic Government hotline on 1800 675 398 or check out their website.

We’re all in this together so make sure you have your mates’ back and keep safe at work and home.

Erik Locke

Collaborative Partnership Pathway for Construction Industry

This statement is supported by Incolink

The leadership duopoly of John Setka, Secretary CFMEU VIC/TAS branch and Rebecca Casson, CEO Master Builders Victoria (MBV) agree that during these challenging times, in the spirit of industry co-operation, it is critical that all stakeholders work together to ensure the protection of both workers and the building and construction industry.

The MBV and CFMEU VIC/TAS are committed to working together to ensure there is a pipeline of work in place for the building and construction industry, to guarantee jobs are kept, as far as is reasonably practicable and businesses remain solvent. Additionally, considerable measures must be made by the State Government to consider the protection of the building and construction industry, which contributes to 45% of tax revenue for the state.

It is essential that decisions made in relation to building and construction sites are done so in the context of a rigorous understanding of the environment in which people work, and that the controls that are currently in place are being implemented. The building and construction environment is significantly different from many others, with the ability to socially distance on sites and isolate groups.

Mr Setka and Ms Casson also agree that special consideration be given to the building and construction industry in regard to blanket closures related to COVID-19. Both parties are committed to not only protecting community health, but also limiting the broader community impact if the industry is brought to a standstill. However, if there is a requirement for a site closure, or closures, due to community health reasons, the MBV and CFMEU VIC/TAS should be jointly consulted to enable forward planning.

Mr Setka and Ms Casson will continue to work with all relevant leadership and government bodies – including following the advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer - to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their collective memberships and the community.

The CFMEU and MBV joined a united delegation including the AMWU, CCF, ETU, Master Plumbers, NECA, PPTEU this afternoon to put this case forward to the Premier’s office. A detailed copy of the recommendations is available upon request.

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