Incolink | Supporting Plumbing apprentices like Harry
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Supporting Plumbing apprentices like Harry

Posted on June 21, 2024

A report we released last year estimated that by 2040, there will be 26,000 vacancies in the construction industry.

Supporting apprentices through high quality training is essential to helping the industry fill these skills gaps.

As a sprinkler-fitting student at Plumbing Industry Climate Action Centre (PICAC), Harry has first-hand experience of the difference that training makes to our industry.

Harry has been able to build lifelong skills and friendships during his apprenticeship.

During PICAC’s apprentice skills contest, Harry came second in the sprinkler fitting category.

Harry’s time at PICAC has given him the knowledge and skills he needed during his apprenticeship and to refine his craft.

“When I was here on campus, I made some really good friends, and all the teachers were great,” Harry said. “I learned everything I know now.”

Apprentices like Harry are why last year we invested over $21 million in industry training, ensuring training providers like PICAC can train the next generation of plumbers.

Industry best facilities like PICAC support workers to build skills, ensuring they’re supported throughout their apprenticeships.

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