Incolink | How to handle work related stress
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How to handle work related stress

Posted on Feb 12, 2024

Life can be full of surprises, and we all face challenges from time to time.

Sometimes stress at work can come in the form of a tight deadline, a project coming to an end or a challenging situation between different people on site.

If not managed or addressed stress can impact your mental health and relationships both on and offsite, making it tricky to navigate.

There is no perfect solution but there are things you can do to help you handle stressful events when they come up.

Here are some strategies on what to do when you find yourself in a stressful situation.

When you find yourself in a stressful situation

Sometimes stressful situations are unavoidable, it can be helpful to have some strategies in place to help you get through them.

Take three breaths before reacting to a situation or comment it’s our reaction that gets us into trouble most times. Taking a few seconds to collect your thoughts will help you to respond rather than react.

Ask yourself the question: ‘What can I control?’ Letting go of what you can’t control is a great way to prevent you from getting worked up. If the mind feels that it has some control, it will feel safe. The best thing you can control is your own reaction and response.

Gain perspective over the situation. Ask yourself, ‘Is this situation going to affect me in 1 year?” If the answer is no, let it go. If the answer is yes, then some deeper support like counselling may be a good idea.

There is no shame in taking a two-minute breather, away from the situation to clear your head. Creating physical space between yourself and the challenging environment you’re in, also creates mental space, allowing you to come back with a fresh perspective.

Support is available

Asking for help can be difficult but there is no shame in seeking support.

For more information you can visit

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