Incolink can come to your site and provide educational toolboxes to workers on a variety of topics, including mental health and sun safety.
Our services may vary state by state.
Incolink's educational Toolboxes support the health and wellbeing of workers. These sessions provide workers with practical steps to improve their overall wellbeing.
More information on these toolboxes is listed below.
Our SunSmart Toolbox has been built in partnership with the Cancer Council's SunSmart team, and you can find additional information about how to protect yourself while working in the sun here.
The Incolink team can come to site and deliver 15–20-minute educational toolboxes on one of the below topics:
Almost all skin cancers are due to exposure to UV from the sun. Working onsite puts workers at high risk of melanoma and cancer.
Partnering with the Cancer Council’s SunSmart team, we talk about the high risk of sun damage associated with working outdoors and the steps workers can take to help prevent the risk.
Hear from Cancer Council Victoria’s SunSmart team about how to work safely in the sun, during the session we will cover:
- The five forms of sun protection
- How to check your skin for skin cancer
- What to do if you notice a new or changing spot

Throughout the toolbox we talk about signs of mental distress, what to look for and what workers can do if they notice these signs in themselves or those around them. The purpose of this toolbox is to increase workers general mental health awareness.
The Incolink AOD toolbox provides education on the impact of Alcohol and Other Drug misuse and where to go for help for yourself or someone else.
The Incolink Gambling Harm toolbox provides education on the harm caused when gambling gets out of control. This toolbox aims to promote awareness, reduce stigma and increase help seeking behaviour.
The Family and Relationships toolbox provides education on the pressures and stress that can come from working in our industry.
This toolbox touches on the impact work life balance can have on our family and relationships, aiming to reduce conflict, family violence and improve workers social health.